Google launches Android tips and tricks site for users

Ram Pothuraju
1 minute read

Android is one of the popular smartphone operating system owned by Google. Android has a lot of built-in features, where most of the features are not used by the Android users. If you want to discover more on your android device or if you are new to the android ecosystem, then it will be hard to get many built-in features. To solve this problem, Google has launched the new Android Tips and Tricks section for Android users.

If you remember Google Tips, which was launched some time back by Google with the tips for their products, then Android Tips and Tricks section is similar to that. But Google made a separate section for Android users with new tips and tricks inside the android official website.

Android Tips and Tricks page contains around 48 tips and tricks for now. The tips are available in the following categories for now.

Privacy & Security
Camera and Photo
More Apps
The tips are listed in a card-based view and they are easy to access. The steps are limited and easy to understand. Hope, Google will add more tips and tricks on more categories soon.

Have a look at the New Android Tips and Tricks Section and comment your views on the same.

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