There are several methods to type Indian Rupee symbol in MS
Word. Take your pick!
Method 1:
If Indian Rupee key is available on your keyboard, just
press Ctrl + Alt + ₹
Method 2:
If Indian Rupee key is not available on your keyboard, press
Ctrl + Alt + 4
Method 3:
Use right hand side Alt key (also known as Alt Gr), press
Alt Gr + ₹
Method 4:
Press left side Alt key and then type 8377 on numeric pad
Method 5:
Type 20B9 and then press ALT + x keys. As soon as you press
this key combination, the text 20B9 will be replaced by the Indian currency’s
new Rupee symbol ₹
Method 6:
You can download rupee symbol font and install it in your
computer. These are non-Unicode fonts especially made just for inputting the
rupee symbol.