Simple Questions On Circular Linked List

Ram Pothuraju

1.    The _________node of a Circular Link List contains one links.

a. only middle
b. only first
c. only last
d. All

2.    In Circular Doubly Linked List a node contain how many fields.
a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
d. None

3.    Next pointer of last node in a circular linked list contains the address of.
a. Last node
b. Previous node
c. First Node
4. A linked list is called a circular list if
a. There is a loop in a linked list
b. If  the last node contains a null pointer
c. If the last node contains the pointer to the first node
d. All
Ans : c
5.  Null pointer represents
a. Empty stack
b. Empty queue
c. Empty circular list
d. Empty tree
Ans : c

6. A linked list is called a circular list if
e. There is a loop in a linked list
f. If  the last node contains a null pointer
g. If the last node contains the pointer to the first node
h. All
Ans : c
7. Null pointer represents
e. Empty stack
f. Empty queue
g. Empty circular list
h. Empty tree
Ans : c

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