Function Overloading - Polymorphism Cpp / C++

Ram Pothuraju
This Cpp/ C++  Program is for performing Function Overloading / Compile Time Polymorphism. 

The below program performs function overloading to find the sum of 2 numbers.
The function is overloaded to calculate the sum of float, int, double etc.


class Add
 float sum1;
 public :
  void sum(int,int);
  void sum(float,int,int);
  void sum(float,float);
  void sum(double,int);

void Add :: sum(int a,int b)
 cout<<endl<<"Sum : "<<sum1;

void Add :: sum(float a,int b,int c)
 cout<<endl<<"Sum : "<<sum1;

void Add :: sum(float a,float b)
 cout<<endl<<"Sum : "<<sum1;

void Add :: sum(double a,int b)
 cout<<endl<<"Sum : "<<sum1;

void main()
 Add a;


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