How an API request is executed in Postman | IM CSEIAN

Ram Pothuraju

How an API request is executed in Postman


Open Postman and set up for an API request.

Set Up Request:

Enter the API URL.

Select the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.).

Add headers, query parameters, and the payload/body if required.

Pre-request Script Execution:

Before the request is sent, Postman runs the Pre-request script (if any).

This script can dynamically modify the request by setting variables, generating tokens, or preparing data.

Send API Request:

Postman sends the prepared API request to the server.

Receive Response:

The server processes the request and returns the response, which includes the status code, response body, and response headers.

Tests Script Execution:

Postman then executes the Tests script (if defined).

This script validates the response, checking conditions such as status codes or specific values in the response body.


The request process is complete, and Postman displays the results.


Flow Chart


|          Start            |





|     Set Up Request        |

|  - Enter URL              |

|  - Select Method          |

|  - Add Headers/Params/Body|





| Pre-request Script        |

|  - Execute Pre-request    |





|     Send API Request      |

|  - Send Request to Server |





|   Receive Response        |

|  - Server Returns Response|





|   Tests Script Execution  |

|  - Execute Tests Script    |





|          End              |



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